Unravelog Stories

Stories make the world go ‘round. And here at Unravelog, travel is our world! Below are a host of travel stories narrated and crafted by our tellers of travel tales. Our stories are here to take you on a journey, away from the mundane to lands both known and unknown. From quirky and unique to downright weird and bat shit crazy, Unravelog’s stories are the best cure for your travel blues- so grab yourself a cuppa and let’s get going!

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Bazaar hopping in Istanbul

The animated exchange of goods and gossip provide a free, front-seat view of the local culture of a city. And in Istanbul, a hearty slice of local life thrives in its many markets.
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Commune with nature in Oslo

Friendly disclaimer! We want to be as accurate as possible, but given these challenging times, we urge you…
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Dubai’s gasp-worthy outdoor experiences

It’s bold enough for a Branson, cocky enough for a King Khan, audacious enough for any Armani, mesmerising enough for a Madonna…and it’s where you can call out to life and say: “Hey, Dubai, supersize me!”
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Go local in Athens

No matter how many times you’ve seen it, the sight of the 5th century Parthenon, imperiously rising out of the surrounding chaos of today’s heartless construction, always takes your breath away. And yet, we urge you to go beyond the many antiquated wonders and connect with an Athens that is feisty and full of tucked-away surprises.
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How to romance Paris

Friendly disclaimer! We want to be as accurate as possible, but given these challenging times, we urge you…
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Why we love Lake Como

Lake Como is that upside-down, Y-shaped piece of heaven called Lake Como, where dolce vita is truly celebrated.