
A modern metropolis with an old town feel, this is where antiquity meets futurism, and ancient monuments fuse with a trendy, cosmopolitan scene.

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6 places to try local dishes in Athens

Greek street food is rich in tradition, aroma and taste. When in Athens, you don’t need to visit fancy restaurants; instead, hit the streets for affordable, delicious and easy-to-grab meals.
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Go local in Athens

No matter how many times you’ve seen it, the sight of the 5th century Parthenon, imperiously rising out of the surrounding chaos of today’s heartless construction, always takes your breath away. And yet, we urge you to go beyond the many antiquated wonders and connect with an Athens that is feisty and full of tucked-away surprises.
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Things to do and see in Athens

One of Europe’s Ancient capitals, Athens is where antiquity meets futurism, and ancient monuments fuse with a trendy, cosmopolitan scene.
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6 places to try local dishes in Athens

Greek street food is rich in tradition, aroma and taste. When in Athens, you don’t need to visit fancy restaurants; instead, hit the streets for affordable, delicious and easy-to-grab meals.
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Things to do and see in Athens

One of Europe’s Ancient capitals, Athens is where antiquity meets futurism, and ancient monuments fuse with a trendy, cosmopolitan scene.
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Go local in Athens

No matter how many times you’ve seen it, the sight of the 5th century Parthenon, imperiously rising out of the surrounding chaos of today’s heartless construction, always takes your breath away. And yet, we urge you to go beyond the many antiquated wonders and connect with an Athens that is feisty and full of tucked-away surprises.